Sunday, June 17, 2007

A letter to Channel 4

I wrote the following letter to Channel 4, the first channel to air Martin Durkin's dadamentary The Great Global Warming Swindle.


To whomever it may concern,

After seeing Martin Durkin's "documentary" The Great Global Warming Swindle, I was appalled to know that it was first screened on Channel 4. The piece is a blatant attempt to distort undisputable scientific evidence over global warming. It is completely one-sided and has no scientific credibility whatsoever. It thrives on the ignorance of the public and its very intent seems to be to mislead its audience. This is obvious to anyone at all familiar with any scientifically respectable work on global warming.

Channel 4, as the distribution forum, is on its part responsible for taking advantage of the exploitability of such propaganda. I am disgusted by your argument that "all sides of the global warming debate should be aired." Freedom of speech is not a valid excuse since this "documentary" contains heavily and purposefully distorted data – in other words, you are broadcasting lies. If you are to retain your integrity as a neutral media, I expect you to publicly disassociate yourselves from the views and claimed facts expressed in the film and stop advertising it on your web pages.

Shame on you.

Markus Koljonen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.