Friday, September 15, 2006

Paper Wars

The Paper Wars started half a year ago when prof. Tapio Vapaasalo terror struck my WTC telling there's this cool school in Wanganui I should apply to. I looked up the counter-strike options and ended up doing my application to WSD that according to my sources had masses of weapon-destructive graphic design. As for that arch-designer, Guan Yeoh Hong, I'd smokem out of his cave.

There was a culmination in mid-June when I found out I have two weeks before launching my airplane attack. That went splendidly except there was no time to hatch my Visa bomb prior to departure. So I had to do it here. The Resistance took possession of my passport, though, and kept my Visa bomb application stalled without me knowing. It turned out that they had to be told three separate times that I, being a Finnish citizen, am exempt from paying the Visa ransom of $120. Finally they believed an I happily got my Visa bomb last week. Until this week I've been hanging on without my computer login and student ID as my puny troops needed my visa to be able to produce those.

The war seemed to be over already, but what happens next is that I am contacted by the college resistance that states I have unsettled them by taking "too many courses" and am required to pay extra ransom fees ($2000ish) for covering those. This was very friendly since I was told nothing about this ten weeks ago when the study operations started and I had already paid the hideous sum of $8400 this circus costs for the running semester. Now I'm waiting for them to strike me with a bill missile to swiftly release yet another civilian-secretary-mutilating counter-terrorist maneuver.

This war is a war for peace and I'm the war president. Oh the masses of weapon destruction? They're here. Somewhere. I feel it in my bones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

